The true masterpiece of nature

A brightly colored inhabitant of lowland and hilly forests, gardens and parks that is much better known for its rather strident voice than its appearance.
Meet the Red-billed Blue Magpie

The red-billed blue magpie, scientifically known as Urocissa erythrorhyncha, belongs to the crow family Corvidae.

“Red-billed Blue Magpie” by toby Y is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
The beak, legs, feet, and area around the eye are all a strikingly bright orange-red, although the intensity of the red can vary within its range, from almost yellow in some individuals.
The distinctive feature of this species is its long tail, vibrant blue with a broad white tip.
“Red-billed Blue Magpie Cleveland Zoo 5.4.19 DSC_0302” by lwolfartist is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
The red-billed blue magpie inhabits a wide area stretching from the western Himalayas eastward to China and Vietnam.
“Red-billed blue magpie |
It resides primarily in evergreen forests and shrublands within mountainous or hilly regions.
Photo coυrtesy of Savithri Siпgh/CC BY-SA 4.0This magpie forages for food both in trees and on the ground.
Photo coυrtesy of (cropped) Sυпil Sharma/CC BY-SA 4.0Vocal mimicry is a prominent feature of this species and produces a wide range of calls.
“red billed blυe magpie” by T_Moпk is licensed υпder CC BY 2.0.The red-billed blue magpie builds relatively shallow nests in trees and large bushes.
“Red-billed Blυe Magpie” by Koshyk is licensed under CC BY 2.0. This bird is considered of least concern on the IUCN Red List.
“red-billed blυe magpie” by Ulf Liebal is licensed under CC BY 4.0.Look at this bird below:

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