The veteran striker shared a photo of the couple smiling and leaning their heads against each other on the morning of December 27. Infobae commented that although the Argentine superstar did not add any caption, the bright smiles on both faces clearly showed the couple’s happiness. In the comment section, Messi’s wife “dropped” three heart icons. His wife Antonela then reposted the photo of the couple on Instagram Story with two white heart icons.
After just over half a day, the photo of Messi and his wife attracted more than 5 million “likes”. In the comments section, many people wrote: “Couldn’t be more beautiful”, “So beautiful”, “I’m jealous of Anto”, “Pure happiness in this photo”, “It’s so nice to see the King happy”… Some fans wished the Messi family a Merry Christmas and prosperity in the New Year.
Earlier on Christmas Day, his wife Antonela posted two photos to celebrate the holiday. The first photo shows the whole Messi family standing in front of sparkling lights, the other shows the veteran striker and his wife wearing red, smiling and hugging each other affectionately.
Messi and his wife have always been admired for their “silly” love story since they were kids. Antonela is the cousin of a close friend of Messi. The couple have been together since the late 2000s, welcoming two sons, Thiago and Mateo, before getting married in 2017. In 2018, they had another son, Ciro. Throughout nearly two decades together, Messi and Antonela have maintained a sweet love, “immune” to scandal.
Argentine media reported that Messi’s family is enjoying the end-of-year holidays in his hometown of Rosario. The legendary striker will return to the field in mid-January 2025 when Inter Miami starts the new season with friendly matches.
Hoang Trang (According to Infobae )