The most coveted river in the world… Home of the monster sea bass! Fishing on the Zaltana boat

The Amazon River is one of the most impressive and extensive rivers in the world, known for its rich biodiversity and natural beauty. But for fishing lovers, the Amazon River is more than that, it is home to some of the largest and most powerful fish in the world, such as the Tucunaré Temensis Rex.

Fishing for this freshwater monster is no easy task. It takes a lot of patience and skill to lure these fish to the surface and capture them. But for those who are willing to face the challenge, the reward can be unforgettable.

On a recent fishing trip on the Amazon River, I had the opportunity to embark on the Zaltana boat, with an expert fishing team dedicated to the capture of the Tucunaré Temensis Rex. After cruising the river for hours, we arrived at a lake lost in the Amazon rainforest, known to be a home to these freshwater monsters.


Once there, we prepared our rods and began casting our lines. The excitement grew with each cast and every time a line moved, we knew a Tucunaré was close. After a few hours of fishing, the moment finally came when one of the fishermen felt a strong tension on his line. It was a Tucunaré Temensis Rex, 80 cm long and more than 10 kg in weight.

The excitement and adrenaline we felt at that moment are difficult to describe in words. It was a true feat to have caught this great fish in its natural habitat. After taking a few photos, we released him back into the water, letting him return to his lost lake home.


Fishing in the Amazon River is a unique and unforgettable experience for any fishing lover. If you have the opportunity to visit this beautiful region of the world, do not hesitate to embark on a fishing adventure in search of the Tucunaré Temensis Rex. You will not regret!


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