A Stunning Display of Beauty: The Magnificent Avian Wonder in Its Small, Vibrant Form!

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A stunningly beautiful hummingbird adorned with a vibrant orange crest, a delicate collar of white and green feathers around its neck, and a striking red beak edged with a contrasting black tip.


“File:Lophoris magificυs – Rυffled Flirt (male).jpg” by Hector Bottai is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Description: The frilled coquette, one of the smallest birds on earth, measures only 7.1 to 7.7 cm (2.8 to 3.0 in) long and weighs an average of 2.66 g (0.094 oz). Both males and females share a short, stiff, black-tipped red bill, bronze-colored upperparts adorned with a white back along the rump and dark crests. However, adult males sport a striking reddish-orange erectile crest, complemented by F-shaped green and white cheek feathers. Its forehead and throat have iridescent Grecian tips, while the rest of its upperparts exhibit a grayish hue. The central tail feathers are bronze-colored, while the remaining feathers are reddish with bronze-colored tips and edges.


In contrast, adult females attack the crest and cheek tufts of the male, presenting a whitish throat with reddish discs and dark ridges, as well as grayish upperparts.

The young ones look very similar to the adult females.


“Coquette with ruffles” by Diogo Lυiz is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. (court)

Distribution and habitat: The frilled coquette lives in eastern and southern Brazil, from Espírito Sapto south to Río Grado do Sur and extends almost to Bolivia and Paraguay, with occasional sightings as far as Alagoas.


“Coquette with ruffles” by Diogo Lυiz is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

It calls home semi-open to open landscapes, including the edges of humid forests, secondary forests, coffee plantations, gardens and closed forests. Its habitat varies from sea level to elevations up to 1,000 m (3,300 ft).


“File:Topetiпho-vermelho.jpg” by Baraodorio is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Diet: This bird sustains itself by copying small arthropods and pectar from various small flowering plants. Captures insects by calling them from perches located 2 to 5 m (7 to 20 ft) above the ground and shows deference to larger hummingbirds.


Breeding: The breeding season for frilled coquettes runs from August to March. The female builds a cup-shaped clump of plants and moss, often adorned with lich on the outside. The pest is usually placed as a saddle on the branch of a shrub or small tree, located 2 to 5 m (7 to 20 ft) above the ground. Incubation, carried out by the female, lasts 12 to 13 days and fledging occurs approximately 20 days after hatching.


Puffs and calls: Although predominantly silent, the frilled coquette makes a short “ѕрагk” while feeding. As it floats, the bird’s wings make a bee-like buzzing sound.


Statistics: The IUCN classifies the frilled coquette as the lowest copper, although specific numbers and trends in its population are unknown. It is considered common and shows a propensity to thrive in mapped habitats such as plantations and flower gardens. Additionally, it can be found in several protected areas.


See this bird in action:

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