Daylily Delight: A Comprehensive Guide to Planting and Cultivating Beautiful Flowers for Beginners

The day lily is a lovely flower that blooms during the day and closes up at night. It’s a popular garden plant due to its beautiful colors and low maintenance needs. This flower is also known for its edible buds, which can be harvested and cooked like vegetables. Overall, the day lily is a great addition to any garden or kitchen.

spicy flowers

The Day Lily is a plant that can be found in various regions of Asia, from the eastern Caucasus to China, Japan, Korea, and southeastern Russia. It has many alternative names, including Hoang Hoa, Kim Tram Thai, Huyen Thao, Lelo, Loc Thong, and Phac Cham, as referred to by the Tay people.

spicy flowers

The dandelion is a type of herb that has a short rhizome and long cylindrical tuberous roots clustered together. Its leaves are narrow and striped, measuring around 40-50cm in length and 2-4cm in width, arranged in 2 rows in a plane, with large sheaths growing on each other. The tip of the leaves is oblong and often folded down, with parallel veins and smooth sides of the same color. Its inflorescence is branched and grows on a leaf-length handle, with large flowers that range from yellow-orange to red-yellow, with a funnel-shaped perianth.

spicy flowers

Leaves and flowers are commonly utilized by people to prepare soups, while roots and rose buds are employed for medicinal purposes. Poinsettia possesses cooling and sweet properties, and is beneficial in clearing heat, dissipating phlegm, stopping bleeding, calming pregnancy, promoting urination, and brightening eyes. In certain regions, the leaves and flowers serve as a remedy for nosebleeds. The leaves can be plucked throughout the year, whereas the roots are excavated during autumn and winter, and occasionally during other seasons, and are utilized in both fresh and dried forms. Additionally, the peony is cultivated as an ornamental plant in areas with cool and damp climates like Tam Dao, Sa Pa, and Da Lat.

Here are some images of dandelion plants.

spicy flowers

spicy flowers

spicy flowers

spicy flowers

spicy flowers

spicy flowers

spicy flowers

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