Discover the enchanting wonders of avian royalty – The Symphony of Radiant Plumage

A colorful, boldly patterned feather is not suitable for any particular species of bird, nor is it suitable for a particular size of bird.


This truth is demonstrated by a small three-inch bird that somehow manages to squeeze various shades from its small body, producing a fascinating rainbow of color.

Meet the mapy-colored tyrant Rυsh


The map color rυsh brace is only 3 – 4.5 inches (10-11.5 cm) in length. As the name suggests, this bird is very colorful. So much so that it has 7 different shades splashed across its type body. The back and rump are green and the belly is yellow with a white throat. The face is blue to gray, with a yellow stripe on the top of the head. The wigs and tail are black with a white bar and white outer tail feathers. To top it all off, there’s a hint of red under the tail.


As with many bird species, females and young are not as brightly colored as males.


These small birds are found in South America, where they live in swamps and reed beds around lakes and rivers. It is most widespread from southeastern Brazil to southern Argentina and central Chile. Other populations are found in the southeastern regions of Peru and western Bolivia, with another subspecies restricted to the Atofagasta region in the rest of Chile.


Because it lives in swampy areas, the mapy reed tyrant spends its time searching for food. Leaping over floating vegetation in search of prey, even catching flying insects in its wig.


The female builds a cup-shaped pest made of moist vegetation, which is attached to the side of a single cane stem. Over time, the pest dries out and helps provide stability in humid climates. She then lays 2 to 3 eggs and provides most of the care for the chicks until they are fully grown, although the male will also help feed them.


Although widespread throughout its range, this species faces threats due to habitat loss and water pollution.


Conservation efforts around Peru’s Lake Jupiter have benefited the mapy-junco tyrant among other birds in the area. ""image""

To listen to the mapy color rυsh tyrant song, click play below:

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