Egyptian Archaeologists Unearth 1,000 Statues, 10 Sarcophagi, and Ancient Mummies in Tomb Excavation

Archaeologists from Egypt have discovered a large number of artifacts, including 1,000 statues, 10 sarcophagi, and mummies, in an ancient tomb. The discovery of such a vast collection of artifacts can help historians and archaeologists better understand the culture, art, and burial practices of ancient Egypt.

Egyptian archaeologists uncover 1,000 statues, 10 sarcophagi and mummies in ancient  tomb - ABC News

Egyptian archaeologists have unearthed the tomb of Userhat, a nobleman from more than 3,000 years ago. (Image Reuters: Sherif Fahmy)

Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered more than 1,000 statues and 10 sarcophagi in an ancient noble’s tomb on the west bank of the Nile River in Luxor.

The tomb comprised an open courtyard leading to two halls, one containing four ancient coffins and the other including a chamber that houses six.

In one of the rooms in the tomb, archaeologists found a collection of figurines, wooden masks and a handle of a sarcophagus lid.

The Antiquities Ministry said the tomb was built for Userhat, a judge during the New Kingdom period, from roughly 1500 to 1000 BC.

Mummies discovered in ancient tomb near Egypt's Luxor (Update)

Workers are seen documenting their discoveries in the tomb of Userhat.(Reuters: Mohamed Zaki)

The head of the archaeological mission, Mostafa el-Waziri, said another chamber was found containing the statues, which depict kings from different dynasties.

Mr el-Waziri said archaeologists expect to find even more statues as the dig continues.

Excavation is continuing in a second chamber.

Ancient Egyptian Tomb Reveals 8 Mummies, More Than 1,000 Statues | The  Weather Channel

An Egyptian antiquities worker poses near Ushabti figurines discovered in a tomb at the Dra Abu-el Naga necropolis near the Nile city of Luxor, Egypt.(Reuters: Mohamed Zaki)

Earlier this year, Swedish archaeologists discovered 12 ancient Egyptian cemeteries near the southern city of Aswan that date back almost 3,500 years.

In March, Egypt unearthed an eight-metre statue in a Cairo slum that is believed to be King Psammetich 1, who ruled from 664 to 610 BC.

Hopes for flailing tourism industry

Six mummies discovered in ancient tomb near Egypt's Luxor | Deccan Herald

A tour guide is seen in front of Abu El-Hagag mosque in Luxor.(Reuters: Amr Abdallah Dalsh)

Hisham El Demery, chief of Egypt’s Tourism Development Authority, said tourism was picking up and discoveries like the one at Luxor would encourage the sector.

“These discoveries are positive news from Egypt’s tourism industry, which is something we all really need,” he said. Tourism in Egypt has suffered in the aftermath of the mᴀss protests that toppled former president Hosni Mubarak in 2011.

Militant bomb attacks have also deterred foreign visitors

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