Ferrari Enzo up to $2.64 million

Ferrari Enzo sets Record for Online auction vs - ZCOOLWith the world still reeling from the COViD-19 pandemic, many activities are now conducted online only. This includes exotic car auctions with RM sotheby’s currently holding online auctions instead of the traditional in-person auctions. Recently, a 2003 Ferrari Enzo set a record sale price for online act auctions, fetching $2,640,000. so yeah, the world economy is struggling but some still have plenty of cash to burn.

When you think of shopping online, you probably think of amazon, or when it comes to auctions, eBay. as far as super car auctions go, it’s an apt comparison. Roughly 60 percent of the premium automobiles up for sale were ultimately sold. The other 40’ish percent failed to meet minimum bid amounts. still, like eBay you can head to RM sotheby’s website and use a “buy it now” feature to drive off with a car today. (Well, okay, you won’t “drive off” today and will still have to arrange delivery.)

Ferrari Enzo sets Record for Online auction vs - ZCOOL

The so-called “Driving into summer” auction marked the first online-only foray for RM sotheby. sellers may have been a bit more tepid with the concept as most of the cars were built within the last 20 or so years. Older, often rarer models didn’t grace the auction block as frequently as you’d expect.

as for the $2.64 million Ferrari Enzo that did sell, it’s quite the beauty. With just 1,250 miles on the odometer, this pristine model, one of just 400 Ferrari Enzo’s built, is in like-new condition. Early projections showed the car going for somewhere between $2.6 and $2.9 million. so while the final bid came in at the low end of projections, the auction was still a success.

Ferrari Enzo sets Record for Online auction vs - ZCOOL

Ferrari Enzo sets Record for Online auction vs - ZCOOL

Ferrari Enzo sets Record for Online auction vs - ZCOOL

Ferrari Enzo sets Record for Online auction vs - ZCOOL

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