The vibrant-necked bird dazzles like a surprising kaleidoscope

Birds display a wide variety of colors, but this particular one looks like a kaleidoscope. Their vibrant hues blend together seamlessly, creating a stunning sight similar to a feathered rainbow.

You’ve heard and seen about green parrots, and this one is quite similar to them, except it features a large red headdress in addition to its multitude of colors flowing throughout its plumage. However, its eccentric appearance is just one of the many interesting things about this bird, as it is also known for its playful and playful personality.

Its colorful pattern almost resembles the skin of a colorful gecko, with a more vibrant finish. The bright red fan on its neck serves as what distinguishes it among its similar species.

Check out this extravagant bird with an appearance that simply sounds “tropical” with its dazzling hues!

Meet the red fan parrot

A bird that looks like a rainbow, but with feathers!


The red-fan parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus), also called the hawk-headed guiana and hawk-headed parrot, is a bird famous for its neck feathers that stretch out and form a stunning, intricate red fan that It increases its size to protect itself from predators. and other threats. They are characterized by mostly green plumage, with brown backs and cheeks, along with white streaks.

The feathers on the nape and underparts are a dark red color bordered by a beautiful blue tone. Its feathers under its tail and those used for feasting are grayish-blue, and its legs are also gray.

Its face is dark brown accented with small white feathers that form stripes on the head. Adults have yellow eyes bordered by a black circular area, while younger ones have brown eyes.

The males and females of this species are indistinguishable from each other, as they are almost identical in appearance.

Red fan parrots like to live in peaceful forests, as one of their native habitats is the Amazon rainforest. It is endemic to much of South America and westward to southeastern Colombia, northeastern Peru, and southern Venezuela.

They prefer to live in quiet forests or savannahs with an altitude of up to 400 meters. They also tend to avoid flooded areas and clear-cut forests.


They mainly feed on fruits, flowers, buds, seeds, leaves and nuts in the wild. In captivity, however, they feed on dark greens, orange fruits and greens.

Some of his favorites are palm fruits and guava.

These particular species of parrots can be very old and, in most cases, are difficult to handle. While they may be short-tempered, they are still capable of forming good bonds with their peers and caregivers, but this requires a lot of patience and perseverance.

They are usually calm when waiting, but can create chaos with their high-pitched hisses and screeches when hungry. They can also sometimes copy human language and occasionally whisper and make human sounds.

Red fan parrots mate for life and make nests in the hoes of stumps and trees. The female lays two to three eggs after a period of twenty-six days and is cared for by her mother while she incubates the eggs.

Young parrots usually begin to fledge around 10 weeks of age in the wild.

While this bird may be one of the most expensive pets out there, it is certainly a sight to behold. Females are rarer than males, so they are as expert as they are exclusive.

What do you think of this eccentric little bird? Comment your thoughts or share it with your family and friends to see!

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