This Season, Witness the Striking Rifle Bird Bedecked in a Black Velvet Ensemble and Iridescent Blue Scarf


The magnificent riflebird is an extraordinary bird!


It is true that this riflebird is the most extravagant member of the Paradisaeidae family.
Look closer at these photos, you can see its blue tail, a yellow mouth, and a curved, jet-black beak.
There is a clear difference between males and females of magnificent rifle birds.
This tiny, striking bird (34 cm long) is distributed in the lowland rainforests of New Guinea and in northeastern Australia, in the Cape York area.
It is commonly found in low-lying rainforest areas.
The diet of this bird is fruits and arthropods.
During the breeding season, male riflebirds perform a spectacular mating dance on a “dancing perch.” They jump, spread their wings, raise their tail and swing their head from side to side, showing off their blue-green metallic pectoral shield.
They do this display in public so that all the females can enjoy.
After finding their mates, the females build their nest and lay eggs. The females then incubate their eggs and feed the chicks until they are fully grown.
Watch the video of this spectacular bird below!
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