Unearthing ‘Vampire Bones’ in the Ruins of an Ancient City

A Bulgarian archaeologist has discovered a tomb that is believed to contain the body of a “Vampire”. The skeleton was discovered in the ruins of an ancient city in Southeast, Bulgaria.

Phát hiện “xương Ma cà rồng” trong tàn tích thành phố cổ

Archaeologists say this man died of an “anti-Vampire” ritual.

The skeleton is believed to be that of a 40-50 year old man who died in the 13th century and was buried according to anti-vampire rituals. The “vampire” body was found with the chest pierced by an iron bar like a plowshare.

Phát hiện “xương Ma cà rồng” trong tàn tích thành phố cổ

Excavation area of the tombs

The ancient city of Perperikon, located in Southeast Bulgaria, bordering Greece, dates back to 5,000 BC but was discovered only 20 years ago. In the area around the tomb, additional signs of protective ramparts and sanctuaries of tombs for “vampires” were also discovered. The anti-vampire ritual comes from the concept that when people live evil, when they die, they will turn into vampires and harm the living.

Professor Nikolai Ovcharov, an archaeologist who has dedicated his life to unraveling ancient civilizations, said: “We have no doubt that, once again we are seeing an anti-vampire ritual. dragons are performed. Usually they apply to people who died under unusual circumstances, like suicide…”. Piercing the chest of a body before burial was to prevent the dead person from turning into a vampire. This is how the Medieval people warded off vampires. The body’s left leg below the knee was also removed and buried next to it.

About 100 such skeletons have been discovered. The Telegraph reported that in 2012 and 2013, archaeologists discovered two similar tombs in the town of Sozopol, east of the ancient Bulgarian city of Perperikon. They are known as the “vampire twins of Sozopol”.

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